Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jacki Carr

I love this. Local libraries are such a treasure, as are the older (and wiser - let the grunts go, don't keep them in) generation that you wrote about. I'm so curious as to what grumpy sells on Ebay!

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My mom is a librarian (and my sister and my step-dad...) and the library was my second home growing up. I am tearing up as I write this (man, feeling sooooo nostalgic these days. Is it because I turn 40 next year?) I love that you take your daughters there and this description, I felt like I was there.

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I love this. I think the library is the Mecca of possibility. Wanna cookbook about Lebanese food without having to commit, check it out. Yes, please I'll read all the issues of People Magazine, Real Simple and that bougie $12.99 issue of Real Simple Organizing. Ooooh, I'll have all the self-help I can put in my "library tote". It's a place of abundance. You can have all you want. I used to take my kids when they were little and told them, pick all the books you want. Possibility. Abundance. They are the best.

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Love. You’re truly gifted at story telling. I felt like I was there.

Side note: we have the scary movie/fear in common. Sometimes I still fear someone will grab my ankles when I get out of bed 😂

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