Journal Prompts #3: To See Art in All Things, What if?
I am an artist. You are an artist.
Our oldest daughter was recently selected to have her art titled 'Dino!’ displayed in a local district-wide art show at the community college. We went to the opening last night jam-packed full of children and parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and friends there to experience expression in so many different forms - clay, cardboard, pastels, paint, mosaic…. My husband and I will most likely have a bidding war with my little sister to see who can purchase our kid’s piece as she put it up for sale!
I cannot stop thinking about her artistry, her choice to use oil pastels atop dried paint. The spine and ribs showcased in the dinosaur, the language around the edges and learning that she mixed all the colors herself to get exactly what she wanted. Her art teacher told me she operates best in a free form space, less follow the lines and more follow your own lead style. I feel in my life and brain, I would lean to the paint the number type form and our Ev really leans to freedom of expression and choice and I dig that. Of course my brain is now wondering if free form would be so good for me to break away from the conformity, the ‘right way’, the perfect way…
How cool to be an artist.
Aren’t we all artists though?
Grab your journal.
Who are three (3) artists you admire and why? Think within and beyond the paint. An artist is a writer, a mother, an interior designer, a gardener, a CEO, a musician and/or a chef…and many more.
Take a moment to look around the space you are in - do you see art? What if art really is everywhere, in all things, in you? How would you and the World be different if we saw art….everywhere and in everyone?
Are you an artist and what is your art? Do you like to follow the numbers or free form? What if you switched it up? What if you declared your artistry starting now, then what?
We are all artists, if We Choose to Be by Sam Louie
’The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron
Emily Hope Dobkin of BETTERISH
Marlee Grace of Monday Monday (here on Substack)
Open call for art collaborations for ON BEING podcast
Submit your work on Artist A Day
Ok!!!!!! So she is the incarnation of Basquiat?!?!?! I’d like to commission a piece of her art, please!!! LMK if she is up for it.
Way to go Evi! I love her painting!!